Subscription Access - Innovative Digital Mental Health Solutions

Subscription Access - Innovative Digital Mental Health Solutions

8 Seasons

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Subscription Access - Innovative Digital Mental Health Solutions
  • Trailer - Awaken Kindness by DaRevsUSA Podcast

    Episode 1

    A progressive podcast looking at the stories of the Bible that enhance self-care and wellness. Hosted by DaRevsUSA, Rev Dr Penny Taylor and Rev Dr Bill Ressl.

    Listen. Progressive podcast of hope. DaRevsUSA unpack life through scripture, prayer, and song. Hosted by Penny Taylor and Bill Ressl. In...

  • Bonus - Awaken Kindness by DaRevsUSA Podcast - Gratefulness - Free Sample

    Episode 2

    Jesus is dead. His body is gone! At times gratefulness can be hard. Penny explores Mary’s gratefulness at the empty tomb of Jesus. …It was a dark morning. Jesus was dead. Mary visits the tomb and discovers it empty. Jesus’ body is gone! Who took it? Mary runs back to tell the other disciples. The...

  • S1 E1 The First Podcast – What’s It All About (with Penny + Bill)

    Episode 3

    Podcast - This first podcast begins the journey. Discover more about DaRevsUSA, the Rev Dr Penny Taylor LCSW and the Rev Dr Bill Ressl LCSW, as they map out who they are and what they offer. Today, Penny and Bill share what’s behind the name DaRevsUSA. Discover what to expect by exploring a brief...

  • S1 E2 The Light Deep Within (with Penny+ Bill)

    Episode 4

    Podcast - Penny and Bill dive deep exploring the light within that overcomes life’s anxieties. Discover God’s grace and see the light of Christ’s love alive in the world. Reflect on John 1:1-18 and discover that darkness can seem to be all around, but light overtakes darkness ~ and that light is ...

  • S1 E3 The Gifts You Give (with Penny + Bill)

    Episode 5

    Podcast - What star do you follow? What treasures do you share? Penny and Bill explore how following the star, God’s call for your life, invites sharing your treasures with the world. Examine the story of the Magi, the 3 Kings, the Wise Ones, who followed their star and shared their gifts. What i...

  • S1 E4 And The Sky Opened (with Penny + Bill)

    Episode 6

    Podcast - Penny and Bill look at the dramatic story of God opening the sky. Imagine ~ the sky opened! Why did God open the sky? Was God happy or mad? Did God say anything? Explore the amazing story of Jesus’ baptism when the sky opened, a dove appeared, and a voice spoke from the heavens saying: ...

  • S1 E5 Do Great Things (with Penny)

    Episode 7

    Podcast - Penny highlights the mysterious role that we are all called to be ambassadors of God’s divine love. Each of us is called to do great things like the great architects that built Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris, France. Built in honor of God and named for Our Lady, Mary the Mother of Jesus,...

  • S1 E6 Do Life Differently (with Bill)

    Episode 8

    Podcast - Bill explores every generation has a choice ~ continue or stand against abuse, violence, oppression, and disenfranchisement. Do we wish to remain weary, carrying heavy burdens with no rest? There is another way. Bill looks at Christ’s yoke of love that encourages individual and social r...

  • S1 E7 Be Transformed (with Penny)

    Episode 9

    Podcast - Frozen in fear? Give them a mission? Transformation? What? Today Penny reflects on the angel, the woman, and the tomb. What did the angel tell the women who went to visit Jesus at the tomb? Will they remain frozen in fear? Will awareness, freedom and courage take hold? Listen and see ho...

  • S1 E8 Sharing The Gifts (with Penny)

    Episode 10

    Podcast - Penny highlights the mystery of doing extraordinary things, growing in faith, and believing in miracles. Fear can stop us from sharing or it can compel us to do extraordinary things, to grow in faith, and believe. Don’t let fear win. Penny reflects on John 6:1-21 and the extraordinary t...

  • S1 E9 I Need a Drink (with Penny)

    Episode 11

    Podcast - Penny asks: “Have you ever asked someone you don’t know for a drink?” Jesus did. Faith blossomed. Jesus was thirsty and asked a Samaritan woman for a drink of water, breaking the cultural codes of his day. Jesus’ conversation with the woman about “living water” opened her eyes and the e...

  • S1 E10 – Death Is Painful (with Penny)

    Episode 12

    Podcast - Death is painful. Penny focuses on where to find strength and support in difficult times, especially in the painful experience of the death of a bestie. Penny reflects on how Jesus shared time, had empathy, and consoled his besties – Mary and Martha. All were distraught at Lazarus’ deat...

  • S1 E11 Loneliness or Solitude - Your Choice (with Bill)

    Episode 13

    Podcast - Loneliness is very real. It can strip us of our humanness. Bill shares his thoughts on changing loneliness into solitude – a choice? Is it possible? Is there a difference? Expanding upon the theological thought of systematic theologian Paul Tillich, Bill looks at the difference between ...

  • S1 E12 We Are Not Alone – Loneliness And Solitude Part 2 (with Bill)

    Episode 14

    Bill delves deep into solitude, the cousin of loneliness, recognizing that we are never alone. Loneliness can destroy us – solitude holds us together. For where two or three are gathered Christ is present – but how can that be if we are all alone? Bill looks to scripture for an answer… the Advoca...

  • S2 E1 Change Doubt to Peace – Doubting Thomas Did!

    Episode 15

    Penny highlights that doubt and anxiety messes with us. Don’t let it stand in the way of experiencing God’s peace and love. Today Penny looks at living in fear being filled with profound doubt and anxiety through the story of Doubting Thomas from the Gospel of John 20:19-31. Thomas, one of the di...

  • S2 E2 A New Day to Corrupt or Heal (with Bill)

    Episode 16

    Bill focuses on the painful daily struggle… do we corrupt another day or work toward healing? Every day every person has a choice… do we continue to expand the ills of otherness made visible in the world through oppression, disenfranchisement, and disempowerment - or do we spend the next 24 hours...

  • S2 E3 Be Filled with God’s Grace (with Penny and Bill)

    Episode 17

    Penny and Bill delve deep into wine – Jesus’ first miracle changing water into wine at the wedding at Cana. Concerns can often arise at a wedding – and it did at a wedding at Cana that Jesus was at when the wine ran out. At first, he simply wanted to continue enjoying the wedding, but his mother ...

  • S2 E4 Take Time to Smell the Flowers (with Penny and Bill)

    Episode 18

    Penny and Bill explore taking time to smell the flowers – taking time to be with God. Do we take time for God? Jesus did. Take Time to smell the flowers, aka sabbath time. Explore the amazing story of Jesus taking some time to be with God and reading from the scroll of Isaiah. Learn how God’s gra...

  • S2 E5 Walking on the Wild Side (with Penny)

    Episode 19

    Penny takes a trip on the wild side exploring life’s wild adventures and how God is always with us – we are not alone. Penny enjoys hiking and having adventures. It can be pretty wild out there when walking in nature. Like the time at Glacier National Park when Penny and Bill went off the pathway...

  • S2 E6 Courage to Break Free (with Bill)

    Episode 20

    Bill talks about the choices we make in life - how we are an individual in life and how we participate with others. Bill unpacks understandings of individuation and participation through the Parable of the Prodigal and His Brother offered by Jesus in Luke 15:1-3 and 11b-32. Courage from deep with...

  • S2 E7 What Do We Value (with Bill)

    Episode 21

    Bill examines the dynamics and forms of life leading to growth or destruction – which do we value? Today we meet Mary, Martha, Lazarus, and Judas who questions Mary’s actions of “wasting” expensive perfume on Jesus’ feet. Mary had an intentionality to her actions – focused on love and Jesus that ...

  • S2 E8 Do We Destroy… or Nurture? (with Bill)

    Episode 22

    Bill looks at free will, the choices we make that become our destiny, the legacy we leave behind. What we do or don’t do has consequences. What impact do our actions have for our life and those around us – destroy or nurture? Today we look at the story of a barren fig tree, the gardener, and the ...

  • S2 E9 Good Friday Special (with Penny and Bill)

    Episode 23

    Penny and Bill share the story of Good Friday through prayer, singing, and scripture. Good Friday commemorates the day Jesus died. It is a time to reflect as well as imagine the complexities of that moment in time for those who unlike us did not yet know the rest of the story… that Jesus would ra...

  • S2 E10 BONUS: DRVS Breaking News from DRVS – Jesus is Dead (with Penny and Bill)

    Episode 24

    DRVS newscasters Penny and Bill report Breaking News, the story of Good Friday, Jesus is dead. Delve deep into the story of Good Friday through reports from four reporters who are on the street reporting the events as they unfold… Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Jesus is dead. It is finished. Or i...