4-4-4 plus Prayer - Christ and Woman of Samaria
Time to breathe and pray. Christ and Woman of Samaria by Luti, 1715-20, comes alive during 4-4-4 breathing, prayer, and Amazing Grace. Refreshes the mind and the spirit. Join in reciting the Lord’s Prayer silently or verbally as you breathe, listen to Amazing Grace, and watch Christ and the Woman of Samaria emerge from the shadows. Explore the amazing story of Jesus being thirsty. He asked a Samaritan woman for a drink of water, breaking the cultural codes of his day. Jesus’ conversation with the woman about “living water” opened her eyes and the eyes of those in her community. “Living water” minimizes thirst and has the capacity to plant seeds of faith and create relationships across differences. Read the whole story in John 4:5-15 and 25-26.
The intersection of spiritual and clinical mindful practice. Each 4-4-4 plus Prayer mindful breathing exercise video is a clinically grounded 4-4-4 mindful breathing experience expanded with prayer (the Lord’s Prayer), music (Amazing Grace) and visual imagery (historic and contemporary images). Experience mindful breathing - inhale for a count of 4 - hold for a count of 4 - exhale for a count of 4. As you breathe the imagery comes to life. Be refreshed. Be renewed here and now. Repeat as needed. The perfect pick-me-up for anytime and anyplace – at home, work, play, whenever a reset is needed.
Access to all the 4-4-4 plus Prayer mindful breathing exercise videos now streaming on Awaken KindnessNetwork.com From DaRevsUSA, the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor, LCSW and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl, LCSW at the CentertoAwakenKindness.com
For all the mindful contemplative possibilities visit CenterToAwakenKindness.com