12 Second plus Reset - Strong and Unrelenting
Take a minibreak - breathe mindfully. Relax. Become strong and unrelenting. This purple 12 Second plus Reset Mindful Breathing Exercise celebrates June as Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month. More than 55 million people are living with Alzheimer's or another form of dementia. 1 in 6 people or 1 billion people suffer from a neurological disorder such as a stroke, multiple sclerosis, or brain injury. So what can we do to help? While in a car remember to wear seatbelts, or helmets when motorcycling or biking. Reduce stress by exercising with a mindful labyrinth walk, enjoy a mindful breathing tool, or take a 60 Second Refresh – all available on the Awaken Kindness Network. Journal to reduce stress. Become an advocate and work with folks who have a traumatic brain injury. Pray for new medical advancements that target Alzheimer’s symptoms. Eat fruits and veggies. Donate to support Alzheimer’s research, go purple to raise awareness for Alzheimer’s and share your story.
Experience mindful breathing - inhale for a count of 4 - hold for a count of 4 - exhale for a count of 4 - repeat as needed. Refocus – Reset – Experience Mindful Breathing with Visio Divina (using visual elements for “Divine Seeing” - seeing the Sacred in imagery and art). The perfect pick-me-up anytime and anyplace – at home or work. Watch as the imagery/art comes to life as your inner self is refreshed. Available on the Awaken Kindness Network from the @DaRevsUSA, the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor, LCSW and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl, LCSW at the CentertoAwakenKindness.com
Subscribe to AwakenKindnessNetwork.com for access to all the 12 Second plus Reset mindful breathing exercise videos. Free 7-day trial. From DaRevsUSA, the Rev. Dr. Penny Taylor, LCSW and the Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl, LCSW at the CentertoAwakenKindness.com